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Chamber Staff

Vonnie Mikkelsen, IOM
President & CEO
Vonnie is energized by the collective knowledge, resources & expertise she encounters every day in her work with Chamber members. A seasoned profes...
Paige Walters
Director, Advocacy & Economic Development; Foundation Director, Development & Partnerships
A Pacific Northwest local, Paige is originally from Corvallis, Oregon, but spent most of her life up in Castle Rock, Washington – a small town near...
Natasha Boska
Office Manager
Natasha has been fortunate to learn and grow with the Chamber for over a decade now. Hailing from the Great Lakes region, Natasha came to Oregon in...
John Garbett
Director, Membership & Investor Relations
John graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in International Studies (Law and Diplomacy) and a Minor in Business Administration. In ...
Adam Tamarkin
Senior Manager, Marketing & Communications
Adam hails from Staten Island, New York, and has lived and worked in Oregon for over 20 years. He attended Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh...
Mary Ann Reilly
Programs & Events Coordinator
M. A. was born and raised in the Big Apple and moved to the Left Coast in 1972 to find a wonderful new world. She moved to Eugene 8 years ago from ...

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