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Time Capsule Item Submission Form

Join in the celebrations of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce’s 75th Anniversary! We are on the hunt for intriguing items, photos, and thoughtful messages from our members and businesses to seal in our TIME CAPSULE. At the end of this year, the Time Capsule will be safely tucked away with instructions for it to be opened in 2049 for the Springfield Chamber’s 100th Anniversary celebrations.

Got something worth preserving? Fill out the form below to submit messages, photos, and tell us why your item contribution deserves a spot in history!
Submission Type *
If there's multiple people, please state from left to right
Choose one category or submit in multiple categories!
What will Springfield be like in 2049? ex.: Springfield's population; big changes in areas; where your business will be, technological advances......
Share info about your business with 2049! ex.: Your biggest accomplishment; current objectives; future vision for the business.....
Deliver a message to Springfield in 2049! ex.: Big changes you've seen; stories of how the community has come together; experiences you've had; your hopes and dreams.....

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